It's been a woefully long two weeks since I've updated the blog, and I'm sorry! We've been, ahem, busy (putting it mildly) but that's not an excuse. We're back!
It's pretty wild and alarming to feel these unseasonably cool breezy nights and (it hits at odd moments, all of a sudden) realize that this summer, like all others, will end. Though I suppose we feel this way every summer, this one feels like it's vanishing particularly quickly even though every day is impossibly full and long.
The cool nights have been really slowing down our tomato ripening, and we are blessed with every tomato disease in the book, but we still managed to harvest 250 beautiful pounds of heirlooms, hybrids, and cherries this weekend. 250 pounds of tomatoes is basically a truckload, in case you need a sense of scale.
Also, in case you're wondering, YES we may have eaten these goldies for five out of the last six meals! It's August, what are we supposed to do?! Send us to tomato jail if you want, we're not sorry.
These are my goldies, my babies, my absolute favorites. They are unspeakably sweet and juicy and glamorous, and weigh as much as two pounds each!